Subscribe & Support Housing the Unhoused

A percentage of each subscription to is donated to the National Homeless Law Center. A diverse group dedicated to changing policy and advocating for the most basic of human rights: housing.

On a single night in 2023, roughly 653,100 people – or about 20 of every 10,000 people in the United States – were experiencing homelessness.

2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress
United States Department of Housing & Urban Development
January 2024

From July 9 2023 until August 13, 2023, I was unhoused in St.-Louis, Missouri. I got through the experience by using my iPhone & iPad to record what I was experiencing.

On Friday June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court ruled on the City of Grants Pass v. Johnson. A detrimental ruling to the more than 650,000 people sleeping outside that opens the door to the criminalization of homelessness.

When I was a child, I was taught that housing was a basic necessity to life. A right. It is time we begin living up to that ideal.

Fair and affordable housing first is the way towards solving homelessness. Housing is the basic requirement to solving a number of the multitude of issues that sits at the intersections and heart of those experiencing the harsh reality.

I am pledging a minimum of 6% of each subscription to help reach a society where everyone has a home.

6% of each subscription goes to the NHLC

Support public policy initiatives & support your least favorite independent content creator. Win-Win.

Subscribe and help solve homelessness

The NHLC - National Homeless Law Center

In 2022 and early 2023, the Law Center engaged in a strategic planning effort that obtained input from external national, state and local partners, persons with lived expertise, and our full board and staff. We are excited to share our plan with you and are dedicated to working towards these strategic goals over the next three years.
You don't have to help &
you don't have to be a dick either.

β€œThe only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.”
-Lester Bangs